Source code for watson.framework.applications

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
from types import ModuleType
from watson.console import Runner
from watson.console.command import find_commands_in_module
from watson.common.datastructures import dict_deep_update, module_to_dict
from watson.common import imports
from watson.di import ContainerAware
from watson.di.container import IocContainer
from import EventDispatcherAware
from import Event
from watson.http.messages import Request, Response
from watson.framework.exceptions import ApplicationError
from watson.framework import config as DefaultConfig, events
from import commands as DefaultConsoleCommands

[docs]class Base(ContainerAware, EventDispatcherAware, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The core application structure for a Watson application. It makes heavy use of the IocContainer and EventDispatcher classes to handle the wiring and executing of methods. The default configuration for Watson applications can be seen at watson.framework.config. Attributes: _config (dict): The configuration for the application. global_app (Base): A reference to the currently running application. """ _config = None global_app = None @property def config(self): """Returns the configuration of the application. """ return self._config @config.setter
[docs] def config(self, config): """Sets the configuration for the application. Example: .. code-block:: python app = Base() app.config = {'some': 'settings'} Args: config (mixed): The configuration to use. """ if isinstance(config, ModuleType): conf = module_to_dict(config, '__') else: conf = config or {} self._config = dict_deep_update( module_to_dict(DefaultConfig, '__'), conf) self.container.add('application.config', self.config)
@property def container(self): """Returns the applications IocContainer. If no container has been created, a new container will be created based on the dependencies within the application configuration. """ if not self._container: self.container = IocContainer(self.config['dependencies']) return self._container @container.setter
[docs] def container(self, container): """Sets the application IocContainer. Adds the application to the container, which can then be accessed via the 'application' key. """ container.add('application', self) self._container = container
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None): """Initializes the application. Registers any events that are within the application configuration. Example: .. code-block:: python app = Base() Events: Dispatches the INIT. Args: config (mixed): See the Base.config properties. """ Base.global_app = self self.config = config or {} if 'exceptions' not in self.config: self.exception_class = ApplicationError else: self.exception_class = imports.load_definition_from_string( self.config['exceptions']['class']) self.register_events() self.trigger_init_event() super(Base, self).__init__()
[docs] def trigger_init_event(self): """Execute any event listeners for the INIT event. """ self.dispatcher.trigger(Event(events.INIT, target=self))
[docs] def register_events(self): """Collect all the events from the app config and register them against the event dispatcher. """ self.dispatcher = self.container.get('shared_event_dispatcher') for event, listeners in self.config['events'].items(): for callback_priority_pair in listeners: try: priority = callback_priority_pair.priority except: priority = 1 try: once_only = callback_priority_pair.once_only except: once_only = False self.dispatcher.add( event, self.container.get(callback_priority_pair[0]), priority, once_only)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): raise NotImplementedError('You must implement __call__') # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Http(Base): """An application structure suitable for use with the WSGI protocol. For more information regarding creating an application consult the documentation. Example: .. code-block:: python application = applications.Http({..}) application(environ, start_response) """ def run(self, environ, start_response): request = Request.from_environ(environ, session_class=self.config['session'].get('class', None), session_options=self.config['session'].get('options', None)) context = { 'request': request } self.context = context # Retrieve the required route match for the request. try: route_result = self.dispatcher.trigger( Event( events.ROUTE_MATCH, target=self, params={'context': context, 'router': self.container.get('router')})) route_match = route_result.first() except ApplicationError as exc: route_match = None response, view_model = self.exception(exception=exc, context=context) # Execute the relevant controller for the route if route_match: try: dispatch_result = self.dispatcher.trigger( Event( events.DISPATCH_EXECUTE, target=self, params={'container': self.container, 'context': context})) response, view_model = dispatch_result.first() except ApplicationError as exc: response, view_model = self.exception( exception=exc, context=context) # Render the view model or response if not hasattr(view_model, 'status_code'): try: self.render(context=context, view_model=view_model) except Exception as exc: response, view_model = self.exception(exception=exc, context=context) # Do any cleanup required after the request has ended self.dispatcher.trigger(Event(events.COMPLETE, target=self, params={'container': self.container})) return response(start_response) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def exception(self, last_exception=None, **kwargs): event = Event(events.EXCEPTION, target=self, params=kwargs) result = self.dispatcher.trigger(event) view_model = result.first() response = Response(kwargs['exception'].status_code) context = kwargs['context'] context['response'] = response if last_exception: self.render(with_dispatcher=False, view_model=view_model, context=context) try: self.render(view_model=view_model, context=context) except Exception as exc: kwargs['exception'] = exc self.exception(last_exception=exc, **kwargs) return response, view_model def render(self, with_dispatcher=True, **kwargs): kwargs['container'] = self.container render_event = Event(events.RENDER_VIEW, target=self, params=kwargs) if with_dispatcher: self.dispatcher.trigger(render_event) else: listener = self.container.get('app_render_listener') listener(render_event)
[docs]class Console(Base): """An application structure suitable for the command line. For more information regarding creating an application consult the documentation. Example: .. code-block:: python application = applications.Console({...}) application() """ runner = None
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None, argv=None): super(Console, self).__init__(config) self.config = dict_deep_update({ 'commands': find_commands_in_module(DefaultConsoleCommands) }, self.config) self.runner = Runner(argv, commands=self.config.get('commands')) self.runner.get_command = self.get_command
def run(self): return self.runner() def get_command(self, command_name): # overrides the runners get_command method if command_name not in self.runner.commands: return None command = self.runner.commands[command_name] if not isinstance(command, str): self.container.add_definition(command_name, {'item': command}) return self.container.get(command_name)