Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Global functions for Jinja2 templates
from watson.di import ContainerAware
from jinja2 import contextfunction

[docs]class Url(ContainerAware): """Convenience method to access the router from within a Jinja2 template. Example: .. code-block:: python url('route_name', keyword=arg) """ def __call__(self, route_name, host=None, scheme=None, **kwargs): path = self.container.get('router').assemble(route_name, **kwargs) if host: path = '{0}{1}'.format(host, path) if scheme: path = '{0}{1}'.format(scheme, path) return path
url = Url # alias to Url
[docs]class Config(ContainerAware): """Convenience method to retrieve the configuration of the application. """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): return self.container.get('application').config
config = Config # alias to Config @contextfunction
[docs]def request(context): """Retrieves the request from the controller. Deprecated: Just use 'request' Example: .. code-block:: python {{ request() }} """ return context['context']['request']
[docs]def flash_messages(context): """Retrieves the flash messages from the controller. Example: .. code-block:: python {{ flash_messages() }} """ if 'flash_messages' not in context['context']: return {} return context['context']['flash_messages']